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Sunday, March 23, 2008

9 months old!

Aisyah is 9 months old now. Aisyah will shake his body when the song was playing especially Barney's songs. Kalo kita baca 'Lailahaillah' pun dia akan angguk kepala. She know her bobob ( sponge bob). She can opened grandma punya laci and pintu almari by using the its holder. Can stands while holding onto something and now she can sit down back by holding onto something too. She loves play 'kejar-kejar' either we kejar dia or vice versa. Hehehe.. sometimes, ummi nye penat dikejar. When we caught her, she will giggle. Suka batuk'gatal'. When kita menjerit, dia pun ikut sama. Riuh rendah rumah opah dengan suara jerit sana sini. She wants stand alone at the stair, when we hold her hand she will make 'sign' that she don't want to be hold. She loves teddy bear. She will hold and kiss teddy bila geram. Hahaha... kelakor. Dah besar anak ummi ni. Aisyah suka panjat tangga. Once dia can't tutun tangga by herself she will shout and ask for help. Tau pun takut!. And lastly, beratnye aisyah ni. Tangan ummi lenguh-lenguh. Tak nak duk dalam walker ( atuk belikan), stroller lelame. She wants to be free.

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